Sex and Guns and Judi Dench — For Your Eyes Only — A Reactionary Transcript #10
In the hunt for the finest of the Bond pictures, I must take notes during my viewing. Here are my notes for the tenth of these case studies; For Your Eyes Only.
The results will be posted heeeeeeere.
For Your Eyes Only spoilers ahead.
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That dolby digital is epic
We’re away
Oh hold up
United artists first
Could really telegraph when Moore was gonna move in the barrel sequence
Bond visiting the grave of his wife from another film
Priest comes to get him cis a helicopter’s picking him up
Priest gives him an ominous sign of the cross before he takes off
Blofeld gets up to somet and manages to kill the chopper pilot
Then takes control of the helicopter via remote control
And he’s well good with the joystick
Shucking and jiving all over the shop
Bond tries to jump out
I wonder if it was the same Blofeld cat each time, they look similar, same face
Bond could have jumped off at several points, they’re close enough to the ground, but he wants to take control of the chopper
Blofeld keeps laughing about Bond’s impending death instead of just doing it
Bond disconnects Blofeld’s control
Funky beats ensue
Bond’s after Blofeld
Picks him up
Blofeld offers to buy Bond a deli
Bond takes the mick out the fact he’s bald
Then drops him down a smoke stack
We’re back
A super secret spy boat operating under the guise of catching fish
Fellas have to be handcuffed to the bench to make sure they work with this ATAC device, I’m assuming so they can’t abandon post, not that it’s just boring
He tried to self-destruct this ATAC system, but couldn’t
M gets the news — MI6
Gogol gets the news — KGB
Everybody wants this ATAC machine
Lass flying into somewhere to meet a guy with a parrot, dad or husband
Daughter i think
She knows everyone, it’s cool
Plane comes back round and shoots ‘em
But the daughter, Melina, survives
She then stares right down the camera
Okay, Moneypenny
She’s got a secret pop-up make-up cabinet
So M from before wasn’t M, it was ‘the minister’, M’s on leave
ATAC stands for Automatic Targeting Attack Communicator, orders subs to launch missiles
If someone gets it, there’s trouble
Melina’s parents were asked by the British government to secretly look for the wreckage but obvs they were killed by that pilot, who we now know is called Hector Gonzalez
Operation Undertow
Bond’s off to Madrid to find Hector
He drives past a heavily guarded house
We some some car go into it
Bond pulls onto a dirt road
In the house, a guard gets off with a girl, leaving his gun in the gun nook of a nearby tree
The house has a pool surrounded by models playing swingball
The man from the car meets Hector and gives him a load of dough
Bond spies from the bushes and gets caught
Bond’s so beige in this one
So Hector orders Bond to be taken away and then goes for a dive in the pool, but as he dives, he just belly flops and it’s revealed he was killed by an arrow, Bond uses the distraction to escape his two guards
Bond hits a guy who was just trying to run away with an umbrella and then Mary Poppins his way outta the villa
Bond comes face to face with the crossbower, and it’s Havelock, MELINA Havelock
She crossbows the dude behind Bond
She and Bond run
Guy who have Hector money takes the money back and leaves
Goons try to break into Bond’s car and it blows ’em up, along with the car
Bond and Melina chased by dogs to Melina’s yellow beetle car
Bond is apprehensive
Bond finds out who she is
They are getting easily caught and Melina even flips the beetle at one point, but the locals help them push it back over
Little dig at women drivers maybe
Or maybe just drivers who aren’t Bond
But they’re away again, the goons were delayed by a bus, so they had time
Now twisty road time
The bad guys get right next to them and they’re all holding guns, just shoot
They get rolled down a hill by the bad guys after being nudged off the road, but they land on their wheels and Melina slaps it into reverse, so Bond drives ’em backwards
Bond pulls off the ol’ brake while you’re speeding trick to get past ‘em
Then ruins an olive harvest
Bond makes a bad joke and Melina actually laughs, that might be the first time that’s happened
Bad guys end up stuck in an olive tree
They’re away
They hold up in a hotel until they can escape to a hotel
Melina is very deadpan, I like it
Melina says that Bond can’t understand revenge because he’s English, but she can cos she’s half-Greek, and Greeks always avenge their loved ones
Bond, back in England, has failed his mission
Q’s aboot
Couple of puns here
Q’s assistant SMithers has an arm cast that swings off at a rate of knots to hit people — ‘that’ll come in handy’
An umbrella with spikes — ‘stinging in the rain?’
Q responds — ‘That’s not funny, 007’
Q has had it with Bond’s shit already
The Identigraph is fired up to find the guy who paid Hector and Bond describes him as male, caucasian, late 30’s, fine light-brown hair, parted in the middle, small blue eyes, full lips, wide mouth, steel-rimmed octagonal glasses
they’ve suddenly been there for hours now
They have found the exact man of that description, Emile, Leopold Locque, an enforcer of the Brussels underworld, brutal murderer who escaped from prison after strangling his psychiatrist
The guy replacing M is a dick but Bond’s off to Italy
Snowy, snowy Northern Italy
A guy lets Bond through the door first but he looks suspicious afterwards
Lovely suite, nice view
Bond receives a secret message on his steamed up mirror
Meets his mate, Ferrara, who was the dodgy guy who let Bond through the door
For professional spies, these two are very shifty
Ferrara’s got a mate who’ll help them find Locque, his name is Aris Kristatos
They meet down at the Olympic Ice Rink
Some ice skater named Bibi is Aris’ protegee
Bibi’s American, but her coach and Aris are not American, this family is getting about
Bibi wants to go elsewhere and wants Bond to escort her
Locque is watching from afar, unbeknownst to Bond
Bond shows Aris a picture of Locque and Aris identifies him as Milos Columbo’s right hand man
Columbo is a drug smuggler apparently
And a popular detective tv show
He is known as The Dove
Aris knows him well and fought with him against the communists, but they went their separate ways after that
Bond spies Melina
She’s buying another crossbow
As Melina leaves, she is pursued by two bikers
She dodges and Bond knocks ’em off
One manages to escape though
Bond asks Melina what she’s doing in Italy and she says that Bond sent her a telegram saying to meet him there
Bond wants to send her home
Melina promises to wait for Bond to do some digging before taking her revenge
Bond goes back to his hotel room
The shower’s on
He draws his gun
It’s Bibi
She wants sex with Jimmy
He says no, wants her to get dressed
Then the best quote of all time — ‘You get your clothes on and I’ll buy you an ice cream’
Bibi still tries to kiss Bond
But he makes it out
Never thought Moore’s Bond would be the one being harassed
Bond and Bibi go skiing to watch to Biathlon
Locque is watching them though
They’re watching Eric Kriegler, the East German Biathlete, he’s very good
Bibi knows him but Eric seems like he doesn’t wanna know Bibi
Bond calls Bibi a horny sinner and leaves
Locque sees Bond leaving and sends his guys after him, including Eric Kriegler, the biathlete
He barely misses Bond
Bond has to hide while reaching for his gun and as he tries to make a run, Kriegler’s on his tail
Kriegler stacks it a few times, let the pressure get to him, should be better for an athlete
Kriegler meets Locque at the bottom, Bond hides in a crowd
Locque and a henchman who looks like Charles Dance follow Bond into a lift with a big crowd of folk
Locque is wearing a lapel pin of a white dove
It’s Bond’s turn on the slope, but he’s got Locque aiming at him from behind and Kriegler aiming at him from below
Locque’s henchman joins the slope from lower down and plants a shot to the ribs on Bond as they both slide down
They jump off, but Kriegler doesn’t know which one’s Bond, so he can’t shoot
Bond shoves the henchman down as he lands and then jumps into Kriegler
Locque’s pissed
Bond is now pursued by shooting bikers
Ruins a dinner
Nearly decapitates one of the bikers
Joins a bobsled track
He’s got no poles now, he’s going freehand
Flies off the bobsled track, grinds off a house and Kriegler can’t follow and falls off his bike, which he then throws at Bond
Yes, he throws his motorbike at Bond
Bond gets away
Bond goes to say goodbye to Bibi
He wants information about Kriegler
She tells him he’s a defector from East Germany but Bibi’s coach tries to shut her up
Some hockey lads come out onto the ice for practice
Bibi goes for her ‘rubdown’
Bond tries to leave but is harangued by the hockey boys
Literal goons
He does ’em in and then tries to run over with a zamboni, but does deposit them in the back of the net, and the scoreboard lets him know he’s won
Bond goes back to his car and finds Ferrara dead in there, strangled, clasping a white dove lapel pin
Melina is back in Greece, and Bond meets her there
They go shopping
They eat some pomegranate and watch some dancing, what a magical day
Bond comforts Melina about her parents, and tells her he’s got a lead at a casino
Because of course he does
Bond beats a guy at cards
Because of course he does
Aris Kristatos is there
Bond wins again and maybe bankrupts a guy
He and Aris go for dinner
They duel over their knowledge of wine
Aris thinks Bond is from the British Narcotics Board
They talk about drug dealer Milos Columbo and then Aris says he’s at like, the next table
Columbo goes to his office cos he’s a partner in the casino and plays a recording of Bond and Aris’ conversation, HE HAD ’EM BUGGED
Columbo goes back to his table and has a very quiet tiff with his mistress, but everyone looks
It was really quiet, the next table wouldn’t have even turned around
Bond goes after Columbo’s mistress
Melina is in the casino as well, watching Bond
Bond pretends to be a writer to get info out of Columbo’s mistress, who is an Austrian countess as well, she’s called Lisl
She doesn’t sound very Austrian
She invites Bond into her place for oysters and champagne
That’s a diarrhoea if ever i heard it
Oh wait, she’s not Austrian, she admits she’s from Liverpool and Bond says he could tell by her accent
Not exactly Stevie G, but I guess it’s there
Female nudity in 1981, good lord
Next morning, walk on the beach
Oh, she’s a bit more scouse now
Beach buggies come after them
It’s Charles Dance Henchman again!
And Locque!
Lisl decides to run but Locque is after her and brutally mows her down
Bond is caught by Charles Dance henchman, but as Locque comes by, Charles Dance is shot in the back with a harpoon and Locque speeds off in his buggy
The harpoon shooters were these divers who are all wearing wetsuits with a white dove on them
They knock Bond out
Bond is woken up by a Greek Art Garfunkel
He is on a boat and is taken to the office of Milos Columbo
Columbo tells Bond that Aris is the bad guy, and that everything he has been told is pretty much the opposite, with Locque working for Aris and so on
Columbo says he is a smuggler, but only of gold and pistachios, not heroin
Columbo says Aris was a double agent in the war
Columbo says that Aris wants him out of the way cos he knows too much about him
Columbo pulls a gun on Bond cos he won’t drink with him
He drinks with him
They’re mates
They’re going on a raid together
Columbo keeps eating pistachios
The raid is on the coast of Albania
Locque is there and the fight is on
Loads of Columbo’s men and Locque’s men going at it
Columbo is quite inattentive, he needs to be saved a few times
Locque keeps running away
Quiet warehouse sneaky showdown
Bond sees a leaking barrel and straight up tastes what’s in there, raw opium apparently
Locque is setting a bomb
His men get run over by barrels
Locque seems to escape
Bond sees Locque perched by his car, but he sets off the detonator
Locque drives off
Bond cuts him off up some steps
Misses his shot
Cuts him off up some more steps
A lot of steps
Some nice tunnels though
Bond squares up to the car and Locque goes full speed
Take the shot Bond
Shoulder shot
Locque goes spinning
Off the cliff
No, he’s alive and just hanging on
Bond walks over to him
Locque wants a hand
Bond kicks his car off the edge
Locque be dead
Suddenly turtle
Deep sea divers in amongst some ruins
Full wetsuits for everyone else, but Melina has a personalised skimpy one
The parrot’s name is Max
Belonged to Melina’s dad
Melina gives Bond his dad’s log book knowing full well that he wrote in a code only she could decipher, but she gives it to Bond anyways
She just wanted to show off I think
They find the stuff they need and go for a dive in Neptune, a two person submarine
Melina points out a stingray
Not here to sightsee Melina
They find the wreck of the ship that had the ATAC on it
They only have 8 minutes this deep in the water
Aris is up above and can track them
Bond and Melina make their way onto the sunken ship
Just a baby
Bond hits his noggin
Nah, i’m good
They find the ATAC machine
Right, when they left Bond said, ‘speak only when necessary’ and now he’s muttering the instructions to himself like me trying to put IKEA furniture together
For some reason the lever wasn’t pulled Bond says, mebbie cos they were drowning eh, James
Someone’s following them onto the ship
It sounds like Darth Vader from the breathing
No, just a fancy diving suit
Grabs Melina by the vagina and breaks her oxygen tank
Steals the ATAC
Bond sets the self-destruct ATAC thingy and attaches it to the diver monster
Bond is trapped by the diver monster and the has his diving suit pierced but manages to squirm away
The bomb on the diver monster’s back then explodes
Bond and Melina make it back to The Neptune with the ATAC machine
I see another submarine
It attacks!
Disables The Neptune
Puts a leak in it
Now trying to drill through it
Bond manages to back it into the wreckage and then escape
They get back to surface with the ATAC machine but they are taken hostage by Aris and Kriegler
Aris wants them killed and so ties them up and drops them in the water
He then sets up the drop with the KGB at St. Cyril’s, an old monastery, so yeah, Aris is selling the ATAC machine to the KGB and Kriegler is there on behalf of the KGB, makes sense
Bond and Melina are attached to the back of Aris’ boat, so they’re getting dragged along while tied up
Plenty of sharks aboot
Keep cutting themselves on coral
Bond gets his hands loose and gets some loose rope wrapped round a rock so the boat stalls and the rope snaps, flicking a buoy back at Aris’ boat, sending a man overboard who acts as bait for the sharks so Bond and Melina can get away
Aris wants to run Bond and Melina over with a boat now
Melina and Bond predictably dive under it
Lucky she dumped her oxygen tank about three hours ago and left it in some ancient underwater ruins
Aris thinks he’s killed ’em and Bond and Melina return to their boat
On the boat they resign themselves to defeat before Max the parrot repeats the location of the drop
Helpful Max
Some Greek/Albanian dancing, Bond looks above it all in his beige suit
Bond enters a church and goes to confession
He asks the priest to forgive him, for he has sinned
The priest replies ‘that’s putting it mildly, 007’
Q. The priest is Q
There are 439 St. Cyrils in Greece
Did Q have to go all that way to tell Bond that
Columbo knows which St. Cyrils it is and leads Bond right to it
Columbo thinks they’re outnumbered but Melina’s all like ‘i got me crossbow, mate, don’t worry about it’
Okay hold up
St. Cyrils is on the top of a mountain essentially, only accessible by cable car
But the cable car’s at the top
Bond has to scale the mountain to send the cable car back down for Columbo, Havelock et al
Then they attack
Bibi and her coach are also there, Bibi is training
Bibi is like a character from a different film, like some sorority horror film
Aris comes in and threatens to kill the coach
Bibi doesn’t bat an eye
So I think Aris is Bibi’s sponsor and wants to bang her, but Bibi’s like nah, I want the money, but no sex, so stop it please. That’s why Aris is mad at her and wants to murder
Just making Aris bad in every way now
Okay, back to Bond climbing
Nearly gets spotted when he’s spooked by a bird
Columbo eats pistachios
Bond gets to the top and is immediately spotted and kicked back down, but is saved by his carabiners
He tries to climb back up but the carabiners are shifting
The guard who kicked him off tries to repel down and knock ’em out
He gets one
This guard has not attached himself to the rope
He’s just hanging onto it
Bond throws a knife at him, he falls
Bond waves Columbo up as he climbs up as well
That was nice
Bond sends the WICKER cable car down to get Columbo and Havelock and friends
A guard tries to look in the window and Bond hides
He gets crossbowed, all good
Bibi is trying to make her escape with her coach
Gogol is flying in to get the ATAC from Aris
Bond intercepts Bibi’s coach leaving
She helps them out
They subdue the guards
Bibi confronts Aris and he slaps her
Gogol lands as Columbo and Bond finish off the guards
Though Bond is having some trouble and they go crashing through some stained glass to where Aris, Kriegler and Bibi are
Kriegler goes to shoot Bond but Bibi stops him and she gets slapped again
Kriegler’s abs are apparently too hard to feel pain
He tries to stab Bond with some candles
Aris takes the ATAC and makes a run for it
This distracts Kriegler and Bond pushes him out a window
Columbo chases Aris
A fistfight between friends
Aris kicks Columbo down some steps
But Bond comes in and grabs the ATAC
Havelock wants to crossbow Aris
Bond says no
Havelock wants him to move
Aris reaches for something
Columbo throws a knife at Aris, got him in the back
Gogol wants the ATAC still though
Bond goes to hand it to him then lobs it off a cliff
Gogol’s watching it fall like ‘maybe it’ll be okay’
It isn’t
Bibi and her coach look after Columbo
Bond and Havelock making out on a boat
Q tries to reach Bond via satellite and put him in touch with Number 10
Melina wants to for a swim
Bond gives his communication device to Max The Parrot
He and Melina go skinny dipping
Q patches the parrot through to the Prime Minister
Is that actually Margaret Thatcher?
No it isn’t
Max the Parrot asks for a kiss from Thatcher
I wasn’t satisfied with Havelock’s ending
Or Columbo’s really
It wrapped up the espionage but not the personal shit
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Keep it streets ahead,