Sex and Guns and Judi Dench — From Russia With Love — A Reactionary Transcript #9
In the hunt for the finest of the Bond pictures, I must take notes during my viewing. Here are my notes for the ninth of these case studies; From Russia With Love.
The results will be posted heeeeeeere.
From Russia With Love spoilers ahead.
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The earliest barrel sequence yet and you can really telegraph his moves
Scared Bond on a bridge
Being followed
Not the hedge maze, James
A very blonde man is on his trail
Blonde fella strangles Bond and was being watched by a mansion full of polar necks
It was a Bond mask!
It’s okay, they just killed a randomer
At the Chess Championships
Lots of cigarettes
Who’s gonna win, the skinny nerdy guy or the skinny nerdy guy without specs?
Skinny nerdy guy without specs is being summoned
But let’s see the rest of this chess match
People are standing and murmuring — at chess
Specs guy just gives up
Step up from chess
Chinese fighting fish
They are amusing
Number 3 is listening to Blofeld
The chess guy is Number 5
SPECTRE want a decoding machine
The cat gets one of the fish
Apart from that, it was a lot of exposition, SPECTRE need Russia and the UK to be tricked so they can get the decoder, and James Bond is likely to be knocking about
Number 3 (Rosa Klebb) is a Russian defector to SPECTRE
Number 5 is a chess player
And Blofeld has a cat
Great first shot in scenes here
That’s a pointy bikini
Blonde assassin from the start gets a massage
SPECTRE Island — how haven’t these lot been caught
There was a whole scene there where nobody was saying what they actually did
So much dubbing
The training involves running away from fire and shooting cardboard
The assassin (Grant) is wearing a very short towel
Rosa’s got brass knucks
Grant takes it like a boss
No, the embassy
Some Russian banter
Maybe not Russia
If they’re at the russian embassy
It’s Istanbul
Tatiana Romanova is Rosa Klebb’s girl on the inside
Grant is watching her though
So Tatiana still thinks Klebb’s on the up and up
Klebb inspects Romanova… Physically
Romanova has been trained in ballet and has had three lovers
Klebb asks her why
Klebb is touching her up a lil bit
So Tatiana thinks she’s working for the government, but she’s actually working for Klebb and SPECTRE
Bond is making out with a woman
And they are listening to ‘From Russia With Love’ by Matt Monro on the radio
Bond has to make a phone call but the lass says ‘I haven’t eaten yet’ … What?
Oh, it’s Sylvia Trench
And she tries to get Bond to put the phone down on the British Secret Service
He does the hat throwy thing!
I don’t think M’s happy with him
Bond is told that Tatiana Romanova has fallen in love with a picture of him
He calls her mental
So modest
He then calls it a trap
Ooo, Bond’s seen a picture of her now and I think we know his motivation
M tells Bond to be sexy
Briefcase with bullets in it
And a knife
Folding sniper
Tear Gas in a talc bottle
Handy case
Moneypenny’s a lot more forward
What is their relationship?
He then gives her a signed photo of someone else
Is James Bond’s selling point that it does everything other spy and espionage films do but with sexiness?
A car has been sent to pick up Bond
This often doesn’t go well
But they got code, dig it
Ooo, Grant’s watching them
So is Groucho Marx
He pulls up and that car don’t look parked, just jacked up on a curb
Trotting through a bazaar
Bond meets Kerim Bey, a mate, and I think it’s insinuated that he just slept with a woman for whatever reason
Kerim Bey is a former circus man
Bond then gets told to spend a few days in Istanbul then go home, the girl’s not worth it
The guys in charge ain’t very good here
Grant has kidnapped Groucho Marx’s driver
They’re putting the Bond music in very undramatic places
He’s literally in a lift
The volume of the music is altering drastically as Bond LOOKS AROUND HIS HOTEL ROOM
It builds to a crescendo as he picks up a telephone
So the room’s bugged
And the hotel staff are in on it
Grant, an Englishman, parks a car outside the Russian Embassy in Istanbul with a dead body of a Russian in the back
Framing the English
Kerim’s trying to a crossword and some woman keeps saying his name seductively
Is Kerim a prostitute? He says ‘back to the salt mines’ and then goes to kiss her
Luckily, an explosion gets him out of it
Kerim and all his employees wear the same suit
James and Kerim go on an underground boat journey together
And they visit…
Underneath the Russian Embassy
They can spy on them
The General in there is shouting at a man Bond and Kerim can’t see
The man is Krilencu, a Bulgarian assassin
We go from being worried about a killer to Bond checking out Tatiana’s legs as she walks in
Bey tells Bond not to stay at the hotel
So takes him to stay with some gypsies
Krilencu knows where they’re going and is pretty much already there
Solid plan, Kerim
At the gypsy camp, two lasses have fallen in love with the same lad and have threatened to kill each other so Kerim and James pull up a chair and watch
Fair enough, custom and all that
To the tune of Let’s Get It Started’ by Black Eyed Peas
Krilencu and his men start attacking the camp, silently
Grant is also there
Flirts with Bond
And now two women will fight to the death?
Bey tells Bond to do nothing
They go at it
Gone from hair-pulling to strangulation
One was about to smash a bottle on the other but Krilencu and his lads start shooting the place up
Bey’s gun isn’t working so he just sits there shaking it about while everyone runs
He’s lucky he only gets shot in the arm
Bond trips a guy up
Then sends a flaming caravan into some gypsies, who I believe are on his side
No one is aiming for Bond so he’s just pottering around throwing people into lakes and pushing folk over
He just stood in the middle of everyone like a sitting duck
Grant shoots the people around Bond to save him… Suspicious…
They somehow survive
For saving the head gypsy’s life, Bond gets a favour and he asks him to stop the girls fighting
So noble
What he really means is that he wants a threesome
No, he just wants them to repair his clothes
And he’s off
A bit more of a gent if still not a gent
Bey and Bond attempt to kill Krilencu under cover of darkness, but Bey is wearing a massive white hat so everyone can see him
They hear footsteps
Couple of coppers
The cops are Bey’s men and they ring Krilencu’s doorbell so he tries to escape out the window, but Bey snipes him dead
Bond goes back to chill his hotel room
But he smells somet
Crime, I bet
Now he hears somet
Trouble, I bet
He’s got himself completely vulnerable in just a towel
Goes to check it out
In an adjoining room, he looks through the glass door and sees some bum
It’s Romanova
Her friends call her Tania
His friends call him James Bond apparently
Bond calls her beautiful and Tatiana says she thinks her mouth is too big
Just setting James up really
I mean, Bond does sleep with her, but he was all about business first, making sure she knew stuff and was the real deal
Then they got down to business
While being watched by Klebb and Grant
Bond’s getting a tour, about to meet Tatiana
Groucho Marx is back on Bond’s trail
No, Marx is following Tatiana
Bond spies Marx
Tatiana leaves a pocket mirror or somet on the ground and Marx goes to pick it up but he’s knocked out by Grant! Who popped up
Grant leaves the mirror and Bond gets it
It’s got a plan to the Russian Embassy inside
Bey and Bond back at base discussing the plans
Bey says it wasn’t one of his men who killed Groucho
He’s dead? He was hit in the neck by Grant! Weak neck, mate, up your game
Bey accuses Bond of thinking with his dick, reckoning that Tatiana is setting him up, but they end up laughing about it
Bond meets Tatiana
Bond uses his camera with a recorder in to record Tatiana’s information about the decoder
Respect to him, she’s trying to sway him but he’s all business
Maybe cos all of MI6 are listening in
Bond’s about to tell a story about M to Tatiana, but M turns it off
What did M get up to?
Bond rocks up to the Russian Embassy to ask for a visa
Bond’s doing, with Bey
Bond runs in and gets Tatiana and the decoder
Then escapes underground where Bey’s underground scope is
A flood of rats makes Bond turn back
Is that a threat?
Bey, Bond and Tat head out the back door
They try and board a moving train but Tat sees Benz, a member of security at the embassy
Benz runs after and gets on the train as well
The three of them are in their cabins
Grant is also on the train
Bond does a magic trick to woo Tat
Bey sees Benz looking for Tatiana
Bey pervs on Tatiana
Bey and Bond are planning to jump off, without Tatiana?
Bond and Bey tie up Benz, so he can’t mess with them, Bey tells Benz about his life while Bond goes for a wander
Grant is knocking about
Tatiana pretends to have a moustache
Tat and Jimmy prepare for tea with Kerim
These are two gorgeous people, Tat and Jimmy, wow
Someone gets Bond’s attention, a terrible accident with Mr. Bey
He’s dead
He and Benz apparently killed each other
Bey’s son waiting for him to jump off does not receive anyone to jump off, something’s up
Bond’s a bit mad
Blames Tat
Bond’s back to business
Tat plays the love card, Jimmy ain’t ‘avin it
Jimmy hops off for a fag but is being watched by Grant
Bond meets a mate
One of Bey’s other sons
Bey’s son more professional than his pa
Stays on the mission
Grant watched it all
Train’s off again
Grant pops off for a fag
Meets a fella
Takes him to the toilets
Comes back out with a hat and a case
Ah, Bond thinks Grant is his contact
Grant poses as Captain Nash
They discuss plans but Bond’s onto somet here
Robert Shaw’s dialogue sounds dubbed throughout, and I can’t tell
Grant drops somet in Tat’s drink
If Tat’s miserable now, wait til that kicks in
Bond knows he put something in her drink, pulls a gun on him
Grant plays it off like his escape is only for one, so the girl can’t go with Bond, maintains his cover
Grant, while showing Bond the plan, knocks him out
Bond wakes up and knows the plan, he’s a bright bulb
Grant’s been keeping tabs on Bond to pull off this plan, to get the decoder from him
Bond finds out Tat ain’t working for SPECTRE
Grant is starting to spill the whole plan, don’t need to do that, but he did say he likes to watch Bond squirm, so that kinda explains it
Also blackmailing Bond with his sex tape, stunning plan really
Swift backhand from Grant to Bond
Grant lets Bond have a ciggy for a price
Tells Grant he’s got 50 gold sovereigns in his case
Hands ’em over
Grant goes for the other case for more money
Grant’s pretty lish
But Bond’s good n all
stiff men in stiff suits hitting visually unappealing moves
But it’s rough lark
Grant goes for the garotte, but Bond stabs him in the arm and turns the tables, strangling Grant
Good that
They’re at the border, Bond needs to git gaan
He gets Tania up and ships out
They get under the train to hop across the border
Grant’s mate was waiting there for him
Bond traps his fingers in the hood of a car and knocks him out
Worked a treat
Bond and Tat make their escape in a flower truck
Ooo, ominous helicopter overhead
The SPECTRE-copter, I assume
They drop a grenade on the truck, but only just miss each time
Bond runs away telling Tat to hide under the truck
The helicopter tries to run Bond over
These lads not have guns
I like that there’s no music
Bond manages to shoot one of ’em with his folding gun and he drops a grenade he’s already pulled the pin out of
Bond and Tat get themselves to a boat
And off they go
Happy ending?
Bond has donned a lovely sailors cap
Blofeld is unhappy with Klebb and chess-man, whose name is Kronsteen
A big lad walks in and kicks Kronsteen in the leg with a poison tipped spike from a shoe
Blofeld sends Klebb and the big lad to clean Bond up
Maybe not a happy ending yet
They’ve found Bond and Tat
The chase is on
Pretty awful shots these SPECTRE lot
Oh, they’re just warning them, trying to stop them
Bond drops his fuel barrels in the water with bullet holes in them
Bond fires flares at the barrels, sending the boats up in flames, really painful looking actually
Big bang, baddies bye
Tat and Bond’s happy ending
A maid comes in
I think it’s Klebb
No happy ending just yet
Klebb eyes the decoder
Tat recognises Klebb
Klebb pulls a gun
Tat obeys Klebb’s orders and the two head out with the decoder
OOO, Tat takes down Klebb
Klebb gets her poison pointy shoe out
Tat grabs the gun and shoots Klebb
Bond says that Klebb’s had her kicks
And after that, an immediate cut to Matt Monro’s number
Tat and Bond now share a romantic boat ride
Bond pulls the film of their sex tape out to examine
He says he’ll show Tat
At the end it says
Considering it was the 2nd Bond film and we’re about the have the 25th about 50 years later, yeah, NOT QUITE
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Keep it streets ahead,