Sex and Guns and Judi Dench — The Man With The Golden Gun — A Reactionary Transcript #5
In the hunt for the finest of the Bond pictures, I must take notes during my viewing. Here are my notes for the fifth of these case studies; The Man With The Golden Gun.
The results will be posted heeeeeeere.
The Man With The Golden Gun spoilers ahead.
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There’s the lion and we’re off
Island setting, beautiful girl, couple of loungers, delightful
Little man carrying ridiculously huge tray
Christopher Lee gets out the water with his hairy lower back and third nipple that’s apparently a plot point
Why would you get a little guy as a butler?
Nick Nack (the little guy) quietly lets a dude in the back door
Mystery dude is carrying a gun and Nick Nack gives him some moneh
Dead bugs on’t wall
Nick Nack brings Scaramanga some tabasco and then Scaramanga fecks off inside
Ooo, mystery man gonna kill him
Little bit of a hunt on, Nick Nack is challenging Scaramanga
This island resort has turned into a funhouse
Jumping skeletons and an animatronic cowboy freak the dude out
Now there’s fake gangsters, and the dude shoots them then apologises
The gangsters were fake, but the one at the front was clearly a real guy
Ooo, the golden gun
It’s a reflection
Nick Nack is voicing over the tannoy, telling em both where each other are, bit cheaty to me
Nick Nack turns the stairs into a slide and Scaramanga bolts down, does a sick dive roll, grabs the golden gun, BOOM, headshot, the guy’s dead
No it’s not
It’s a life-size replica he keeps knocking about
Scaramanga shoots the gingers off one at a time
Bond’s in
Or is it a standee again?
No, it’s actually him
Title said within ten seconds
Scaramanga’s a circus kid
Scaramanga’s a million dollar assassin after being a trick shot kid
Scarry’s targeting 007, then asks who would target him, to which M says ‘Jealous husbands, outraged chefs, humiliated tailors’ what?
Two guys were also in the office and said nothing before M dismissed them
M’s taking 007 off all cases until Scaramanga is dealt with cos he’s targeting Bond
Ooo, M doing some under the table business with Bond, hinting that he should go after Scarry by himsel
Moneypenny bites Bond cos he calls her darling, noice
Bond goes to find the bullet that killed a 00 agent to confirm it was Scarry
So we obviously cut to a belly dancer who has it in her belly button
Her set is done, but Bond goes after her
In her dressing room, they do some light flirting and then Bond gets to business
So this fecker watches a man get shot through the neck and then she takes the bullet out the wall and keeps it as her lucky charm AND NOW she’s getting it on with Jimmy
She won’t let Bond get at it with his hands so he pretends to drop something so he can get it with his mouth, but some guards come in and hit him so he accidentally swallows it
Roger Moore has never looked tougher in a fight, but it helps that these are the most inept guards
Obvs Roger wins and escapes through a window
Q’s aboot!
Q and his assistant work out what kind of gun the bullet came from
Bond tells Q that he has no idea what that bullet went through to get here HA
Q and his assistant nerd out while Bond gets bored and then patronised
Now, Macau
Looking for the bloke who made the bullet
Bond finds Lazar (bloke who made the bullets) in the first house he tries
He’s like the Portuguese Q except he don’t piss about with weird gadgets
So he’s made a gun that requires less pressure to fire, so Bond’s aim is a bit off, then he goes for Lazar’s nads cos he wants info, but hey, an inch too low, genius
He gets the info though and now we’re off
Some lass retrieves the bullets from the casino
Breakneck speed still, we’re on a flying sandpiper boat
In Hong Kong
Go past a sunken ship called the Queen Elizabeth and lingers on it, so I reckon that comes back into it somewhere down the line
So they get to Hong Kong mainland and this lass with the bullets takes off in a Green Rolls Royce, then someone gets in the way of Bond’s taxi and it’s a mate of his called Goodnight
She seems distracted
They are speeding through everything here, Bond and Goodnight flirt and make dinner plans after not seeing each other for two years and then Bond’s away to interrogate bullet lady
She’s in the shower, oh no
Like I know she’s a bad guy smuggler, but still
Oh, she’s got a gun, darn
In the shower though
That seems dangerous
She calls down to reception
Her name is Miss Anders
Bond overpowers her and interrogates her
Miss Anders is Scarry’s lover
If she was a threat to Bond, this violence might be okay
Scaramanga only fecks with Miss Anders before he kills, like a bullfighter
Bond sets up Scaramanga with the help of his lover… OKAY
Just a scantily clad lady serving drinks in a circle
Scaramanga is feckin with Miss Anders, he gonna kill!
Bond runs into Nick-Nack
Oh man, Scaramanga’s after Bond
No, just some dude leaving the strip club
And he gets him
Nick-Nack inspects the body of the random dude and then walks away
Bond gets taken away by the guy who was with the guy who was shot, sez he’s a copper
This ‘copper’ gets Bond on a boat
Scaramanga gets away on his junk with Nick-Nack
Miss Anders is waiting in bed for him
Scarry uses the warm barrel of his gun as a bit of foreplay and then gets mad when she doesn’t like it
Bond is getting whisked off here
Scaramanga escapes
Bond’s in danger
They’re pulling up to the wreck of the Queen Elizabeth
Bond tries to escape onto the wreck but then finds out it’s a friendly base
Why wouldn’t the ‘copper’ just tell him that?
M’s here
So is the ‘copper’ now
His name is Lieutenant Hip
Right the guy who was shot was a solar energy expert MI6 were after
M wishes Bond was dead randomly
Gibson had sorted the energy crisis
Solar power, solar power was his solve
But he didn’t have the thing on him when he died
Bond reckons it was Hai Fat, a businessman in the energy biz
Bond, Hip and Goodnight are on the case to get to Hai Fat, who lives on a mountain top surrounded by guards
BOOM, we’re there
Hip stands on Bond’s soldiers, then vice versa, while JB smokes a cigar
Then he just goes in this feckin spot that’s crawling with guards and walks right into a naked lass swimming whose name is Chew Mee. for fecks sake
Bond gets his kit off to get in the pool and he’s stuck a third nipple on so everyone reckons he’s Scaramanga
Bond admits that there’s like no people who haven’t heard of James Bond the SECRET agent, thereby admitting that when he introduces himself to people, everyone knows who he is
Bond gets a dinner invite and then fecks off
Tears off the third nipple and gets on his way, revealing to Hip that Hai Fat found him quite titillating
Back inside, Hai Fat wanders back to his quarters, and Scaramanga is there, so he was in on the bit the whole time!
Hai Fat tells Scaramanga to kill Bond cos he wants to live a happy life and then be buried in the mausoleum he had built for himself
Bond cancels dinner plans with Goodnight but basically says that he’ll fuck her later
Goodnight gets it once Bond has left, I think she’s a bit slow
Hip picks up Bond but also has to give his nieces a lift. HE’S A GOVERNMENT AGENT
Bond shows up for dinner with Hai Fat
JB walks past a load of creepy people sculptures and now a few of them are real, one small dude (probs Nick-Nack) and two sumo wrestlers (probs not Nick-Nack)
Fight ensues in which Bond grabs butt, but he loses
Nick-Nack’s about to stab him with a big fork but Hai Fat stops em cos he don’t want death in his house
Bond gets sent to school
It’s a martial arts school
Bond watches two lads go at it with swords and it’s good combat, like
Then one dies
Then one dude gets up and just shows off some kicking by himself
Like Mac from It’s Always Sunny
And just as good
Bond is challenged by him
Doesn’t wanna bow
Kicks opponent in face while he’s bowing
Then Bond bows
Ooo, now he’s gotta face the black belt or somet
Bond’s gettin his arse kicked
But then the professional martial artist turns his back
Fight ongoing
Bond’s big move is a kick to the elbow
And a chop to the elbow
Then he dives through a window
Hip is there
Hip engages fourteen children in martial arts
Bond tells the nieces to stand back, but then they start kickin ass, dig it
The three of them win while Bond watches
Bond gets the last shot in though
Some bangin tune starts
Instrumental of Lulu’s theme it is
Hip full on drives off without Bond, what a dick
Luckily, there’s a speedboat for Bond to nick
Off he goes, with the remaining martial artists pursuing him downstream on foot
Bond’s boat runs out of juice
Little kid hops on his boat to try and sell him a lovely elephant
Bond’s like ‘I’ll give you 20,000 quid if you get my boat to work’, which he does immediately
Bond throws him overboard and fecks off
The martial artists have a speedboat now, the chase is on
Sheriff J.W. Pepper is here
If you don’t know him, he was in the previous film
J.W. criticises his wife for wanting an elephant because they’re democratic and then says something a little racist
Bond splits the martial artists boat in half with his boat
J.W. recognises Bond
J.W. keeps calling the locals pointy-heads, now I don’t know if that’s racist, but I don’t like it
He uses the phrase ‘cotton-pickin’ which I’ve heard used innocently, but his Southern accent doesn’t conjure up the kindest of images
He calls an elephant ugly and then gets pushed into the water
I don’t know about him
Bond gets away and we’re back with Hai Fat
Scaramanga is here as well
Hai Fat gives Scarry the solar thingy
Hai Fat is getting all uppity with Scaramanga while he’s assembling his gun
Scaramanga was a junior partner, so now that he’s just shot Hai Fat, he’s the new chairman of the board
Scarry leaves by telling some folk to put Hai Fat in the mausoleum he loved so much
Bond finally has dinner with Goodnight
They joke about Q-Branch, so like work banter to them
I can’t tell if they’re joking though
The love between Bond and Goodnight is being heavily implied, like they’ve been kept apart for years
Ooo, Goodnight brushes him off
Nick-Nack is watching from Scarry’s junk
Bond goes to his room alone
Goodnight’s there
She was playing hard-to-get apparently
Poorly played
They gon’ feck
Someone’s breaking in
It’s Miss Anders
She tells Bond he’s in danger
Anders wants to leave Scaramanga but is scared too
That’s why she sent the bullet to MI6, not Scaramanga
Anders tells Bond that Scaramanga is a little obsessed with Bond, trying to look like him, model himself after Bond
With Goodnight hiding under the duvet, Anders tries to get jiggy with Bond
Bond puts Goodnight in a cupboard and then preps for sex with Miss Anders
Starts a whole comedy routine trying to get Miss Anders to not go in the cupboard
Bond and Miss Anders proceed to have sex with Goodnight in the cupboard, sensational
Anders returns to Scaramanga’s junk, ew
Goodnight threatens to resign cos Bond didn’t sleep with her
Bond then says that ‘her turn will come’ ew
Both of these people are very unprofessional
Bond slept with her to get the solar thingy, so that’s a bit understandable, I guess
Maybe not though
Boxing match
Kickboxing, my apologies
Goodnight watches on as Bond meets Anders
Anders isn’t very chatty
She has been shot
Scaramanga sits right next to Bond
Nick-Nack has a gun on him so they can chat
Scarry tells Bond about an elephant that he liked, but when a circus man shot the elephant, he shot the circus man
He didn’t like animals after all, he liked killing folk. What a tale
Hip tells Goodnight to call the police, THEY ARE THE POLICE
Goodnight has the solar thing because Bond found it on the floor, gave it to Hip posing as a peanut seller, who gave it to Goodnight
Goodnight tries to follow Nick-Nack
Is she meant to be a spy? She’s bad
Maybe not awful though, cos she puts a tracker on Scarry’s car
But she also gets pushed into the boot
no , not yet
No car keys
Bond steals a car from a showroom and he’s away
J.W. Pepper is in the car
Because he went on holiday to buy a car
J.W. tells Bond he knows him
Nick-Nack sees the trouble
J.W. wants to help Bond fight the commies
He says pointy-heads again
J.W. thinks Goodnight is HQ on the walkie-talkie and tells her to call his wife
The cops are involved
Some other driver isn’t watching to road and does a sick dive in his car
Rad music starts up again
It cuts out, but as they drive past a guy, his hat blows off
Scaramanga is now on the other side of a river, but it ain’t over
Bond spins it round and… Sees a half-bridge
Goes for an insane stunt bonus
With a run up of about ten metres, Bond jumps a river and is back on Franny Scarry’s tail
Scarry hides in a barn
Scarry’s car turns into a plane
Oop, the coppers are here
Scarry takes off as Bond and J.W. get arrested
Just looked it up, pointy heads is basically just calling someone stupid who thinks they’re smart, we’re okay
Bond sneaks under the radars to find Goodnight on Scarry’s island
But M pretends to not know about it
Scaramanga knows he’s coming and tells the authorities that it’s his guest and that he won’t be leaving
Franny shoots the top off some champers and it drenches Nick-Nack
Franny’s being all welcoming, showing him around and shit
There’s a guy called Kra
Liquid helium is present, kept at 453 below zero
Bond sees the solar thingy they’re all after
Scarry tells Bond to watch a mushroom-shaped rock that is clearly not shaped like a mushroom
There’s a few panels in it
Reflects the sun, makes a laser that’s very hot
He’s also got a gun that goes with it, weaponises solar power or somet and shoots it, blowing up Bond’s plane
Lunch time
Goodnight pops by
Apparently, mushrooms are for lunch
Scaramanga takes notes on Bond’s interest
Franny tries to get Bond to admit he likes killing
Scarry likes the sport of killing, killing Bond will be his masterpiece
Walther PPK vs. The Golden Gun, six bullets vs. one, but Franny only needs one, OOOO
They havin’ a duel
Goodnight is stood with Kra inside and Kra is being a creep
Franny and JB are taking twenty paces and then spinning and shooting
Bond turns and shoots but Scaramanga is gone
Kra gives Goodnight a stroke
Bond’s on the hunt
He runs into Nick-Nack who tells him that if Bond kills Scarry, Nick Nack’ll get the island, that’s why he’s impartial
Scaramanga sets himself up in the house of fun
Nick-Nack gets himself set up in his control room as Bond begins the chase just like the guy at the start
Bond only has three bullets left as he shoots at the cowboy
He runs into the standee of himself
Bond walks into a glass wall
He finds the edge and climbs underneath onto the scaffolding of the structure, but he drops his gun!
Scaramanga hears the clatter, but the echo puts him off where
Nick Nack can’t find Bond on’t cameras
The standee has all its fingers back!
It’s Bond!
So is Kra as Goodnight wallops him into the liquid helium
Excellent from Bond
Bond still needs the Solar thingy
Goodnight says she laid Kra out cold HA
But the fact that he’s in the liquid helium means it’ll raise the temperature and blow everything up
Bond goes to get the solar thingy but he can’t get through the glass
Godnight’s butt pushes the lever that starts the hot laser where Bond is
It nearly takes his head off but he escapes with a few seared eyebrows
Goodnight pushes all the buttons and it goes off so she thinks she’s done it, but it’s just cos the sun’s behind a cloud, the bane of solar power
Goodnight makes a run for it
Bond gets the solar thingy
They both escape
Goodnight shows Bond to Scaramanga’s junk
They float away from the exploding island and are gonna finally get to bone
A Slow Boat from China
Drops on ’em but Goodnight screams and Bond rolls ’em away
Nick Nack is finding a load of hidden compartments on the boat so gets around Bond and then throws wine bottles at him
Bond wanders up to him with a suitcase and shuts him in, taking him to the deck
Goodnight is sad that Bond has thrown Nick Nack into the ocean
Telephone call
It’s M, congratulating them
He asks to speak to Goodnight
But Bond wants to kiss her
As M waits
Bond tells M that she’s just coming
We can hear M saying ‘Goodnight’ over the phone, so Bond picks it back up and bids him good night
Nick Nack is tied up in the crow’s nest
Banger starts up again
The Golden Gun was made by a lighter company
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Keep it streets ahead,